Monday, August 15, 2005

That Hillary Book
Her Past––Our Future

By Sara Pentz

The truth about reading the book, “The Truth About Hillary,” by Edward Klein, is that one can see with crystal clarity the duplicitous nature of this woman––a person who would do anything to gain power and then use that power to promote her dangerous socialist ideas. The entire tenor of the 305–page book is vastly unsettling precisely because it exposes the New York senator in anecdotes, stories, quotes from associates who knew her, and highly researched documentation––all revealing her repeatedly as ruthlessly ambitious. The book demonstrates that this is a woman who would stop at nothing to claim a second Clinton administration––with her as president.

Klein wrote this book to expose Hillary Clinton. It was his intention and his warning to us. He claims to be an Independent…but he also talks about “how Hillary made him a Republican.”

The book is a must–read for everyone who cherishes the presidency of the United States. If we are to maintain the basic principles upon which this country was founded, we must understand her philosophy; her motives and behavior; her danger and her intentions to rule on our future. In fact, there are some who predict that the woman is on a fast track race to become Queen Hillary.

About The Book

Author Ed Klein explores and documents Senator Clinton’s contradictions and deceptions. He produces secret documents and stunning evidence from sources close to Hillary to demonstrate just how much she has been willing to lie, bully, cheat, deceive and manipulate people in her quest for power. He He writes that she reveals a pattern of chronic bad behavior during decades of efforts to become America’s first woman president––no matter what the cost.

“The Truth About Hillary” contains accounts of key moments in Hillary’s private and political life, giving readers a rare opportunity to assess the true character behind her public mask. Klein addresses such issues in the book as: How the culture of lesbianism at Wellesley College shaped Hillary’s politics. How she covered up the political scandals of John Kennedy’s presidency. How she acted as a secret partisan agent for Ted Kennedy during the Nixon impeachment. How her image makeover as a moderate senator is a sham.

Klein's book shows Hillary's mindset since she was a little girl growing up in Park Ridge, Ill. “She actually believes she is entitled to become president,” he writes. “The only way she could be denied would be through some kind of fraud or chicanery. It's truly frightening to think someone like this could actually achieve her megalomaniacal ambitions in America today.”

The Author Speaks

Edward Klein is a journalist and the author of “The Kennedy Curse,” “Farewell, Jackie,” and several other New York Times bestsellers. He is former editor of the New York Times Magazine and former top editor at Newsweek. He was a media favorite until this biography.

In a lengthy interview with National Review Online, Klein offered these comments about his book.

“I interviewed nearly 100 people who know Hillary, including classmates from high school, college, and law school; Democratic activists and party officials; White House support staff, speechwriters, and military aides; Cabinet officers, senators and congressmen; and other intimates of the Clintons. I have had more than 40 years of experience as a serious journalist dealing with sources, both Left and Right, on and off the record. And while writing “The Truth About Hillary,” I scrupulously checked all my sources for fairness and accuracy.

Hillary is not a victim (not of sexism, not of her husband, and certainly not of this book); she’s not a moderate (despite her effort to re-brand herself in the Senate). Even my sources on the Left admit she’s positioning herself as a victim and moderate in order to win the White House.

Hillary acts as though she is chosen by God, and that gives her the right to use any means to justify her ends. If she becomes president, it’s going to be deja Clinton all over again.

Hillary has tried to position herself as a moderate. But she has been a woman of the ultra-Left ever since she entered Wellesley College 40 years ago this year. She’s been consistently anti-military (despite her recent votes) and pro-nationalized health care.”

Klein has 30 pages of notes at the end of his book documenting his information. His index includes eight pages of references to people quoted and topics included in the book.

His Jihad Muggers

Even prior to the publication of the book, the Liberal media were gearing up to smear the author and the book. Calling Klein’s material salacious, this cabal of leftist journalists and commentators attempted to paint Klein as an incompetent who deals in gossip, inaccuracies, rumor and innuendo. It’s called smearing the opposition.

They have collectively pounced on the only aspect of the book that could cause Klein some harm. The work is not an intellectual treatise. In fact, Klein is not an intellectual writer; he is a journalist used to writing for the masses. His format is simple and clear, more like an extended in–depth magazine article. The Liberals––always looking for dirt to soil their opponents––are creating a non–issue in an attempt to deflect the content and real message of Klein’s book from being known. It is a cover–up doomed to failure.

Fox news commentator Bill O'Reilly refers to The New York Times’ vitriolic attacks on Klein as a ‘jihad.' He has said that he has little doubt the New York Times is out to destroy author Edward Klein. Leftist political commentator Sidney Blumenthal described Klein's book as a "wretched little piece of sewage." Insightful, isn’t he? He stoops to attack because he cannot destroy the facts. That’s only one of the attacks made by one of The Times favorite commentators. Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center, points out that the media has imposed a virtual boycott on coverage of the book. "Ed Klein is persona non grata," he says.

At the heart of the mire is the accusation that Klein used anonymous sources, misrepresented the facts and only regurgitated information that was already known. Yes, in fact, Klein did use unnamed sources…in exactly the same way that Woodward and Bernstein did in their articles for The Washington Post in the early ‘70s about the Watergate break–in. It would have been better if Klein had named all of his sources, but sometimes people are too frightened to go on the record. But he also quoted many sources directly and annotates them in the index . No, Klein did not misrepresent the facts––no matter how many times his detractors try to demonstrate that he did. And, yes, he did use––in a few cases––material that had already been known––but mostly only to Washington insiders. He put all that known material in perspective in an easy to read overview of Hillary Clinton.

The Content

Klein writes that just a year out of law school, Hillary Clinton got an expert education in the political art of damage control working for the House Watergate Committee, where her job was to keep President Nixon's lawyers from introducing even worse abuses of power committed by President Kennedy.

“Hillary Diane Rodham was assigned to come up with regulations that the
president and his lawyers could not cross-examine any witnesses, thereby stopping Nixon from proving that whatever abuses he did were no worse than JFK's."

House Watergate Committee counsel John Doar - a Kennedy ally - put Hillary in charge of a group of historians who were researching the protocols of impeachment to see whether any previous president had committed worse crimes than Nixon.

"In fact, they found that [past presidents] had. And Hillary was ordered to suppress that report." What had JFK done that was worse than Watergate? "Kennedy had used the assassination of foreign leaders as an instrument of foreign policy. Doar ordered Hillary to deep-six her report, to "lock it in a safe and never show anybody, including the chairman of the judiciary committee in the House," whom Doar was supposed to be working for.

As with extraneous evidence uncovered by her husband's impeachment probers 24 years later, Hillary's report on the crimes of the Kennedy administration was ordered sealed for 50 years until 2024.”

Klein devotes a huge chunk of his book to disproving Hillary’s assertions of what she knew about Bill’s plentiful affairs over the years and when she knew about Monica Lewinsky. Here’s how Klein puts it:

“In her memoir Living History…Hillary wrote that on the morning of August 15 [1998], her husband woke her up and “told me for the first time that there had been an inappropriate intimacy” with Monica Lewinsky. “I could hardly breathe,” she wrote. “Gulping for air, I started crying and yelling at him.”

But her version of events was not credible. Months before, Hillary had taken charge of the White House’s damage-control operations. She ran the meetings that prepped Bill Clinton for his grand jury testimony. She asked Robert Shrum, the highly regarded Democratic wordsmith, to write a mea culpa speech for the President to deliver on national television. She then vetoed Shrum’s speech, because she found it too conciliatory, and instead urged her husband to “come out and hammer Ken Starr.”

She saw the headline in The New York Times of August 13 — two days before her husband’s alleged bedside confession to her about Monica — that said: PRESIDENT WEIGHS ADMITTING HE HAD SEXUAL CONTACTS.

The fact of the matter was, Hillary knew everything — and she knew of it before anybody else.”

Early in the book Klein says:All presidents live inside a bubble, but Hillary's bubble was unique, because it was designed to conceal her moral imperfections… Hillary’s bubble was an effective political tool. It camouflaged the moral decay in the Clinton White House...”

Hillary, charges Klein, has a flagrant disregard for the law. As for Hillary’s crony Vince Foster, Klein says: “As the person she trusted most in the world, Hillary often assigned Vince the sensitive task of cleaning up the political messes created by her careless and corrupt husband.” ”Vince fell into a suicidal depression once he realized that Hillary, as first lady, could no longer be his intimate friend, and that he, in turn, could no longer protect her from scandal and her flagrant disregard for the law.”

Klein quotes conservative columnist/author Barbara Olson: “Hillary learned about private investigators in her work (while at Yale Law School) on behalf of the Black Panthers and the Communist apologists Robert Treuhaft and Jessica Mitford.” Adds Olson, “If Hillary gets elected, not only will we once again have the advice of the smartest politician in the party––Bill Clinton––but Harold Ickes, Susan Thomases, James Carville, Stan Greenberg, and Mandy Grunwald.” “The culture of concealment and deception that had infected the American presidency during the years of Bill Clinton's administration would be back in full swing." Ickes, Thomases, Carville, Greenberg, and Grunwald are behind–the–scenes leftist operatives in the Democrat Party, known elitists who slither and slink to influence a desired outcome.

Supportive Documentation

The book “Hillary Clinton and the Racial Left” by conservative commentator David Horowitz is a brilliant analysis of Hillary’s mindset. The author is editor-in-chief of and president of the Center for the Study of Popular Culture. In this excerpt from his book, he writes about former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan’s description of Hillary in her book “The Case Against Hillary Clinton.”

"In their way of thinking," Noonan observes of the Clintons, "America is an important place, but not a thing of primary importance. America is the platform for the Clintons' ambitions, not the focus of them.”

They have "behaved as though they are justified in using any tactic in pursuit of their goals including illegality, deception, libel, threats and ruining the lives of perceived enemies . . .”

“They believe… they are justified in using any means to achieve their ends for a simple and uncomplicated reason. It is that they are superior individuals whose gifts and backgrounds entitle them to leadership.”

“Peggy Noonan is right explains Horowitz. The focus of Hillary Clinton's ambition is not her country. But it is not just herself either. It is also a place that does not exist. It is the vision of a world that can only be achieved when the Chosen accumulate enough power to change this one.”

“Hillary (and Bill) Clinton…see themselves as having the power to redeem the world from evil. It is that terrifyingly exalted ambition that fuels their spiritual arrogance and justifies their sordid and, if necessary, criminal means.”

Hillary’s Makeover

In late May 1995, and the Associated Press reported the following (in italics). This article chronicles the woman’s intentions and demonstrates her two–faced, double–dealing nature. It is worth dissecting this one report in order to understand her presidential intentions.

New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is cementing her ties to moderate voters, reaching out to centrists that some of her backers argue Clinton never really abandoned.

FACT: Hillary is basically a socialist in favor of big government and an increased welfare state. She is not, never has been, and never will be a so–called moderate––whatever that means.

Activists gathered for the meeting were talking tough on fighting terrorism, calling for a larger Army...

FACT: Hillary has consistently been an anti–war agent in favor of disarmament. She lobbied desperately to become a member of the Senate Armed Forces Committee only to ‘show off’ her so–called patriotism, supporting the troops––but not the war. It is a double standard that does not hold up to scrutiny. It is a shallow attempt to be on the ‘right’ side of every issue––it demonstrates her deceit and rush for political gain.

In January she used an appearance before abortion-rights advocates to call for "common ground" on the issue.

FACT: Hillary is a pro–abortion rights activist and could or would never side with the pro–life advocates. Calling for a ‘common ground’ is a meaningless statement designed to give the appearance that she is soft on abortion. It is a gimmick that will backfire when she is pressed to explain…if and when the media decide they should ask her some straight questions.

In addition, Clinton joined with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich to push for health care legislation like a single system for medical billing that all insurers and providers would use to save time and money.

FACT: Hillary used once–respected Republican Gingrich to advocate national health care under the guise of saving time and money. It is the first step toward her goal of nationalizing health care. Gingrich’s motives for appearing with her on stage give rise to his own political ambitions.

Clinton has also taken a tough stand against violence in video games and on television, and against illegal immigration.

FACT: Hillary rides every popular cultural malady to demonstrate her concern––it is a ploy. She has said she is against illegal immigration at the same time she is for the rights of non–citizens––it demonstrates her dishonesty. It makes sense. She is currying votes. To curry favor: To seek or gain favor by fawning or flattery.

The Good News

Ed Klein’s book is hitting its target with a greater effect than the liberal/socialists who support Hillary Clinton could have imagined. Despite the refusal of the morning and late night talk shows and others to interview him––his book has remained on the New York Times bestseller list for seven weeks as of August 7, 2005. The liberals are in denial––par for the course for them on issues with which they disagree. They keep saying no one is reading the book. The fact is "The Truth About Hillary" is a smashing success.

Furthermore, the book debuted the week of July 11, 2005, on the Publisher's Weekly best-seller list in the No. 4 slot. Now that must give the Liberal literary elitists a serious heart attack. In addition, The Times has refused to review Klein’s book. It must be galling for the editors to know that despite their attempts to deny access to the book, it remains on their printed list, and was authored by a former ‘member of the clan.’

"My book's staying power on The Times list is testimony to the power of the Internet and conservative talk radio," Klein told NewsMax. "The mainstream liberal media no longer have a monopoly on what's news and what isn't, and that's a healthy thing for America."

Edward Klein’s book about Hillary has had a far greater impact on our world then merely as an exposé of this would–be political despot. It has demonstrated the ever–widening crack in the Liberal/leftist/socialist control over America’s past and future. Peek inside and you’ll see the tyrannical values these people are selling. It seems we are beginning to do so. The next step is for us to reject them.
